Uploading code in ESP8266-01 | Using Arduino

Why uploading code in ESP8266-01?

If you are using electronic components and modules then you might have come across ESP8266 WiFi module. This module is easy to interface and low cost. It is very easily available in the market. Uploading code in ESP8266-01 makes the wifi module work independently.

There the different variants available in the market. In this article we will discuss on ESP8266-01 module. Since it is easy to interface, we will see how to upload code in ESP8266-01.

Once you build a project and if you are using ESP8266-01, you need to upload the code to WiFi module. Now uploading code in ESP8266-01 is simple. There are multiple ways to to do this, however we will be using FT232 TTL converter.


  • Arduino IDE (Click here to download)
  • ESP8266-01 Module
  • FT232 TTL Converter
  • ESP8266 Programmer Board


Here we are using FT232 TTL converter with a simple programmer for uploading code in ESP8266-01. FT232 TTL converter board is one of the best way to interface ESP8266.

Uploading code in ESP8266-01

Configuring Arduino IDE

There are few simple steps to configure Arduino IDE. First we need to open File -> Preferences

arduino config

Locate  “Additional Boards Manager URLs

Add http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json line and click on “Ok

Uploading code in ESP8266-01

Once the above configuration is done, now we need to download libraries for ESP8266

Go to “Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager”

Uploading code in ESP8266-01

Type “ESP8266” and install it.

Now Go again to “Tools -> Board” and select “Generic ESP8266 Module

arduino config

Flashing ESP8266-01

Now you’re ready to flash ESP8266-01 and use it. Uploading code in esp8266-01 will work as a stand-alone module without using any external micro-controller.

You can build more IoT projects using this WiFi module.


ESP8266 modules have the capability to work independently. They can be used without any external micro-controller. This makes the projects cheaper an cost effective. With a single module you can perform multiple task which makes the projects more versatile.

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