Important Tips to Improve Security of your Raspberry Pi

Important Tips to Improve Security of your Raspberry Pi

Important Tips to Improve Security of your Raspberry Pi Today, Raspberry Pi board has become one of the most popular tools in the field of electronics and embedded programming. The board’s growing popularity has grown to the point where the platform, about the size of a palm, has attracted the attention of software and security … Read more

Raspberry Pi Temperature Logger DS18B20

Raspberry Pi Temperature Logger DS18B20 Digital temperature sensor DS18B20 are very popular among hobbyist because they are quite cheap, provide satisfactory precision for number of applications and can be easily interfaced with micro-controllers or Raspberry Pi. In this tutorial we will learn about Raspberry Pi Temperature Logger DS18B20. We wrote simple python script which gets … Read more

DHT11 Data Logger using Raspberry Pi and Python code

DHT11 Data Logger using Raspberry Pi and Python code

DHT11 Data Logger using Raspberry Pi and Python code In earlier projects we have seen how to connect DHT11 with raspberry Pi 3 and Pi 4. In this tutorial we will move a bit forward. We will use DHT11 Data Logger using Raspberry Pi and Python code. We will keep the DHT11 sensor data logged … Read more

Controlling ESP32 via Bluetooth using Blynk

Controlling ESP32 via Bluetooth using Blynk

Controlling ESP32 via Bluetooth using Blynk App You might have used ESP32 development board in different IoT projects. Mostly we connect it with WIFI and try to access or control IoT devices. In this post you will learn Controlling ESP32 via Bluetooth using Blynk app. This will allow you to control the devices attached with … Read more

Raspberry Pi PICO with Thonny IDE

Raspberry Pi PICO with Thonny IDE Raspberry Pi PICO is one of the latest dev board developed by Raspberry Pi foundation. This is a small compact and supports C/C++ and micro python. In this tutorial we will be learning how to use Raspberry Pi PICO with Thonny IDE. Raspberry Pi PICO is one of the … Read more

Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor HC SR04 with Arduino Uno

Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor HC SR04 with Arduino Uno

Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor HC SR04 with Arduino Uno In this tutorial we are going to learn Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor HC SR04 with Arduino Uno. This is simple and a beginners tutorial for understanding the concept of inter connecting an ultrasonic sensor with Arduino Uno. Ultrasonic Sensor is a pair of transceiver module that measures distance. … Read more

Pico Cheapest MicroPython Board

Pico Cheapest MicroPython Board

Pico Cheapest MicroPython Board The Raspberry Pi Foundation changed single-board computing when they came up with the Raspberry Pi PC. Now they’re prepared to do same with microcontrollers with the arrival of the brand new Raspberry Pi Pico. This ease microcontroller board includes an incredible new chip, the RP2040. It is also equipped with all … Read more

How to install Raspbian Lite on Raspberry Pi Zero W

How to install Raspbian Lite on Raspberry Pi Zero W? If you have purchased Raspberry Pi Zero or Zero W then you might struggle with running a proper OS on it. Since Raspberry Pi zero has limited resources hence you can install any OS but might not get the best user experience. In this article … Read more

Connecting DHT11 Sensor with Raspberry Pi 4 / 3 using Python

Connecting DHT11 Sensor with Raspberry Pi 3 / 4 using Python

Connecting DHT11 Sensor with Raspberry Pi 4 / 3 using Python You might have heard of Raspberry Pi which is a single board computer and it is very popular among student and electronics hobbyist. It is compact and advanced device. We will also use a DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor. In this tutorial we will … Read more

Interfacing MQ2 Gas Sensor with Arduino

Interfacing MQ2 Gas Sensor with Arduino

Interfacing MQ2 Gas Sensor with Arduino There are many gas sensors available in the market which detects different types of gases. In this article  we are going to learn about interfacing MQ2 Gas Sensor with Arduino. This tutorial is for absolute beginners, where they can understand the concept of connecting a gas sensor with Arduino … Read more